Cookies policy

Cookies policy informs you about the use of cookies on its web pages.

Cookies are packets of information sent by a website and stored in the user's browser. They are necessary tools for the provision of numerous services.

For more information in this regard, we recommend you consult the Guide on the use of cookies of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

Cookies used on this website

The web downloads a technical cookie called PHPSESSID. This cookie makes it possible to store a unique identifier per session through which it is possible to link data necessary to enable ongoing browsing and provide the services requested by the user. This cookie expires at the end of your session.

It also uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on web pages. In your browser you will be able to see 4 cookies of this service. According to the previous typology, these are own, session and analysis cookies. You can find more information about it and disable the use of these cookies

Through web analytics, information is obtained regarding the number of users who access the web, the number of pages viewed, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the operator that provides the service, the language , the terminal you use, or the city to which your IP address is assigned. Information that enables a better and more appropriate service from this portal.